Annapurna Base Camp: The Trekker's Paradise

 The Incredible ABC: The paradise for trekkers  

The ABC trek is indeed a paradise for trekkers because it has got it all: amazing trail, hospitable people, great food, and the landscape- simply breathtaking

About the itinerary- We completed the whole trek in 4 and half days starting from Ghandruk. We drove from Kathmandu to Pokhara and reached Ghandruk the same day (day 1). The actual trek started from Ghandruk the other day (day 2 and the first day of walking) and ended on Chhomrong. The first day was very demanding for us because of the unexpected change in the weather and the uninterrupted rain. Exposed to the extreme weather, we walked through the rain for almost 7-8 hours on the very first day itself. But Chommrong had exactly what it took to welcome us- hot shower, filtered coffee, brandies to keep ourselves warm, amazing thakali thali sets, and whatnot. 

The next morning- the weather was still not on our side which made us rethink the further trek. And top of that our blankets was warm enough to let us out of the bed. It was for the weather, we weren’t able to decide if we should end the trek, move ahead or wait for the stable weather and decide. At around 12 am in the morning, we finally decided to move forward no matter what. So, the plan was to do some warm-up walk for 1 or 2 hours, stay where we reach, and plan further. 

Day 3: So, the 3rd day (2nd day of the walk) started from Chomrong and we walked up towards Sinuwa (upper) where we planned to stay (which did not happen). We walked for another 8 hours or so on our third day and stayed at Dovan (upper). For the next day, after having our breakfast (except having a lot of Gurung bread for breakfast in the entire trek), we headed towards ABC via, Himalaya, Deurali, and Machhapuchre Base Camp (MBC). At around 3:30 in the afternoon, we reached ABC. The weather was getting better by the time we reached ABC and it was clear by the evening. With the stroke of luck, the weather was astonishingly amazing the next morning- offering the grandiose breathtaking 360-degree view of the mountains (pictures to follow). 

Day 4: On our fourth day of the trek, we trekked all the way down to Chhomrong straight from ABC (not recommended) and another day to Pokhara.  

Enjoy the pictures from the trek:

The Trail and the Landscape 

In betweens 

Half of the time-Into the woods 

The views from the rest points 

Machhapuchre from MBC

Change in the colours as we got higher 

One side of it 

The other side 

Sun-kissed mornings 

The ABC Lake 

The typical window views!! Ciao 
