Langtang Trek: One of the easiest yet stimulating trek for the beginners. Undeniably, the trek could be summed up in 3 to 5 days depending on the level of personal endurance. Although short, the breadth of experience that Langtang provides, is larger than life. 

So, the best thing about the trek is, there's never a dull day and the adventure starts from day one. Walking alongside Bhotekoshi river, passing through amazing waterfalls with snow-capped mountain in the backdrop, the welcoming sounds of birds chirping and a stunning floral landscapes will keep the entire trek aesthetically pumped. 
The Mantra is: The higher you go the better it gets.

Here’s the itenary which might come handy if you're planning a trek in future or any time soon: 
Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Syafrubesi 
There's two option to get to syafrubesi, either you take a public jeep that departs from Machapokhari, Balaju at 7 in the morning, or you hire your own vehicle. We took the second option. A long and bumpy ride (of around 6-7 hours) from Kathmandu to Syafrubesi will sum up your day one. 

Day 2: Syafru Besi to Lama Hotel
Lama hotel is a second day destination of almost all the trekkers. But we wanted to go little further with a hope to shorten our walk for the third day. We stayed at Riverside. 

Day 3: Lama Hotel to Langtang Valley 
It is usually advised by the locals to stay in Langtang valley for acclimatization purpose. But, we made to Kanzing Gompa, the last human settlement in that part of the belt.

Day 4: Langtang Valley to Kanzing Gompa
Kanzing gompa is the last destination of the trek. 
The view of Langtang and other mountain from surrounding Kanzing valley makes the whole trek to the top worth it. For a better view of the mountain you need to go further up to Kanzing Ri I and II(2-3 hours steep uphill walk for Ri I and another 2 hours to Ri II and back to Kyanzing Gompa). You could either stay there and relax the entire day, or shorten the trek by covering some portion of your return trek. We walked all the way down the entire distance and made it to Syafru Besi the same day. Sounds like a valour but strictly 'not advised'. 
If you could make it to Tserko Ri (another 4 hours from Kenzing Gompa), the view of the mountain range is invaluable, people say!

A glimpse of the trek/trails:


You'll comes across hundreds of these!

also these!
Dal Bhat in this backdrop on day 1st!
Ofcourse these!!
A Glipse of the Trail!
Where we ended our the day 1st!
And second day is about chasing the mountains up to the top!

The front view as you move ahead! 

Passing these makeshift wooden bridges! 

And these!

The colours change as you go higher!
The new Langtang Village post earthquake !! 

The Day 3 Trail !


 On the road!
It follows you until the top!

In and around Kenzing!

At Kenzing!

The Langtang Glacier 

Surrounded by the mountains 

On the backdrop as you return 


The view!

This is where you'll be leaving your heart!!
Until next time :) 


  1. WOW! Very interesting post. Your blog is very informative. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Langtang Valley Trek


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