PRAGUE: Ever Beautiful, Ever Magical

Prague, the capital of Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe. The fairy tale like architectures alongside the Vltava River adds to the beauty of this place. From the beautifully built cathedrals and domes to incredibly artsy bridges, Prague is the go-to destination especially to them architects fanatics. No wonder, Prague is Europe's most charming, colorful and beautiful cities, and one of the most popular travel destination in Central Europe.   

On a side note: 
Other than the captivatingly picturesque squares, bridges and monuments, local beers and local food, the most enthralling part for me was the “John Lennon” wall in between. Grew up listening to the songs of Beatles, and inadvertently stumbling into a wall covered with Beatles' song lyrics, peace signs, and paintings of John Lennon was the most intriguing part of the journey.

This is what helped me survive in Prague: Jedno pivo prosím (roughly translated as: “One beer please”

Enjoy the ever beautiful, the ever magical pictures of Prague:

Colours of Prague 
The Lennon Wall

the Alleys of Old town 

Beauty by the River 

River Vltava 

other Side!!  

Typical Prague! 

My favorite Pub in Prague 

How cool is that!

Reflecting the beauty

From the top!

The Famous Charles Bridge 
and.. the Day goes by, just like that
