TÜBINGEN: A Fairy Town in South West Germany

Tübingen in one line: An old student town in south west of Germany full of aesthetic pleasure 

Tübingen could be a quick escape from the busy and rush cities like Berlin and Frankfurt. A small town with beautifully crafted timbered houses, historic monuments, cobblestone alleys and the floral arrangements lining the river bridges and canals, Tübingen resembles a fairy land. Apart from the aesthetics of this town, it is quite famous for one of the oldest university: University of Tübingen.  It is said that "Tübingen is the city with the youngest average population in Germany". So, as you could easily predict that the town hosts not just amazing libraries and book stores but amazing and budgeted student bars, clubs and restaurants. 

The national survey of 1995 has shown that Tübingen had the highest quality of life in comparison to all cities in Germany (Published in FocusMagazine, 1995). You don’t want to miss the opportunity to uncover the mystery of Tübingen, do you? In that case, how about checking it out in your next visit to Germany? in the meantime enjoy Tübingen in pictures: 

To get here: It is quite close from a famous German town Stuttgart (capital of south west Germany). If you are flying from other parts of Germany, you need to use Stuttgart airport to get here. Tübingen is about 45 minutes' drive from Stuttgart airport. 
Punting on the Neckar River: A must

A beautiful pond in the middle of park!

As clean as snow!

Colourful houses across neckar river!

The colours add more life to the town!

On the other side!

The floral line!

More lines!

Top of the castle for panoramic view of the town! 

Covered by the greens!

As seen from the top!

Panoramic view of one side of the town!

Roses are everywhere! found on the top of the castle!

DNA Sculpture of Friedrich Miescher who discovered DNA in 1869

the Hohentübingen castle

It's a club!
